Institutional investors
Institutional investors are entrusted with their organization’s future. You are expected to make the right decisions to protect investments and grow wealth. With so many options available today, it can be difficult to build a portfolio that helps your foundation, trust, charity or business meet its objectives. The professionals at Genesis Wealth Advisors have significant experience with institutional investing, and are adept at assessing the unique needs of institutional clients in order to assemble portfolio options that address specific needs.
Our institutional investing specialists understand the flow of money through capital markets. We have seen the trends of the last decades, and we know how to read today’s trends in the context of history. We use this knowledge to help guide your portfolio through tough economic times, as well as take full advantage when the markets are strong.
One of the biggest challenges facing institutional investors is protecting assets in times of recession, reducing the possibility that an organization’s finances will be put at risk by a difficult market. Genesis offers Dynamic Portfolio Management – a proprietary technique that uses trend-following to identify asset classes that are showing signs of upward movement. Our combination of fundamental and technical analysis allows us to focus on investments most likely to bolster your institution’s wealth, while at the same time buffering it from market volatility.
The financial experts at Genesis have worked with major institutional investors, including foundations, trusts and charities. We understand the trust others place in you – and we strive to provide you with the highest levels of service.